lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

Blog 9: Pride Film Review

I liked very much the movie Pride form various reasons. The film have very funny moments but never separated of the "drama" thats lives the characters, in the sence the cultural think of these times about be homosexual girl or man. Its very interesting can see how the people lives in the 80`s, for example, the welsh people (in general we see histories about the most importants citys of England).

My favorite character was the old woman from Wales (i dont remember her name). Its funny when she asked to the lesbians girls from London about the sexuality or things like that. She always respect and support "Gays and lesbians for the miners".

I think the movie can be make more job about the character with AIDS, because in these years in general the people think the sicks by AIDS are only homosexual people. For many years thats was a bad stereotype by the conservative people, and have this desease must have been very dificult than today.

I dont know if is my favorite scene but i like very much when the welsh miner go to the gay bar to give the thanks for the support and create solidarity between they.

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