lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Blog 4: Bread and Roses Film

Bread and Roses is a very good movie because expose the the system of work in which illegal immigrants are subjected in the rich countries. This type of film is necessary because it shows what happens below the image of the "American Dream" sold by american Hollywood films.
In addition, it complies with not being a product of political propaganda, being a movie with a great argument and aesthetically good.

My favorite character is Maya, because she represent all the inmigrants of the third world who goes to a prosperous countries to find a job and a good living.

The change of a neutral persona in a political sense to a activist woman is very inspirational, this is my favorite thing of the movie  . I dont like very much the perform of the actors. I think they dont represent very much "passion" for a situation that really happened.

My favorite scene of the movie is when whe knows Sam. This moment is very important, because is the origin of the change of Maya.

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Why did you choose this career?

When I was a kid I wanted to be a Gas Station employee. I don’t remember why, but I when I see the people who work in that’s places I imagine myself in that job.

I always like to read Books or magazine of history. My grandparent give me a lot of Icaritos of the 80´s , some books of the history of Chile and Roma and a very big encyclopedia. I have internet recently in 2008, and I can read very more thing of another issues.

When I graduate of the school, I don’t think in journalism in any carreer. After the PSU, I think in history, antrophology or politic science, but I decide study journalism for my indecision. I belive take inside many asignatures of these carrers.

My Autobiography

I was born in Santiago, Chile. I´ve lived in Iquique, Antofagasta, Santiago and Chillán during the school, three or four years in average in each city, until i come to Santiago again for studyng in the University. The last city I lived before come to the capital was Antofagasta, wich I graduate from Chañares School.

I live with my both parents, Claudia and Francisco. I have a brother and sister. Barbara is the biggest, she have 23 years. Francisco is the littlest, he have 13 years.

In this moment I am studying  journalism in the University of Chile since 2013. This year I gradute  (I hope this).

In my free times I like to play my guitar or clarinet. I love the music.